Team Berlin Career College
Amélie Berthaud studied the bilateral course "European Media Culture" in Lyon and Weimar from 2000 to 2005. She worked in the field of cultural management in Bayreuth, then in public relations and marketing at the Bauhaus University Weimar and at the State Theatre Stuttgart. She then worked at the French Embassy in the field of theatre promotion. Since May 2012 she is Alumni Coordinator at the UdK Berlin.
E-Mail: amelie.berthaud[at]
Phone: +49 (0) 30 3185 2594
Sabine Beta has been in charge of strategic communication at the Berlin Career College (ZIWT) as Marketing/Public Relations Consultant since 2008. In addition to external and internal communication, she manages the institute's strategic processes in cooperation with the management and business development. Since 2019, she has been responsible for alumni relations. She supervises the training of trainees with her colleagues from press relations and the Summer University of the Arts.
After completing her studies of Communication in Social and Economic Contexts at the Berlin University of the Arts and Sciences Com' in Nantes, she worked in B2B film marketing as a technical translator for international media companies and festivals. From 2005 to 2007, as an external communications officer at the Institute of Electronic Business, she managed the press relations, marketing and accreditation of a joint Master's programme of the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of St. Gallen.
Email: sabine.beta[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185 2948
Fax: +49 30 3185 2690
Susanne Hamelberg has been working in university continuing education since 2002. At the Berlin Career College/Central Institute for Continuing Education and Transfer at the Berlin University of the Arts, she has been working in the areas of marketing, continuing education conception and continuing education research since 2008. In addition to conducting a survey on the continuing education needs of artists and creative professionals, she supported musicians and actors in the performing arts in their marketing strategy using social media with the DigiMediaL teaching research project. Another area of responsibility was the marketing of the Berlin Career College's continuing education programmes and the development of a brand strategy. Susanne Hamelberg took over the position of Business Development in 2010, focusing on online teaching and internationalisation. She has been the President's Personal Representative for Digital Strategy and Online Teaching since 2020.
From 2002 to 2008, Susanne Hamelberg was responsible for the conception of an interactive application to optimise usability in e-learning at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and designed an enrolment strategy for the entire university as part of the e-learning team.
She is a member of the spokesperson's council of the Berlin/Brandenburg regional group of the German Association for Continuing and Distance Learning (DGWF) and an expert in the Higher Education Forum on Digitalisation, an initiative of the Stifterverband, the Centre for Higher Education Development and the German Rectors' Conference. Susanne Hamelberg studied Social and Business Communication at the Berlin University of the Arts.
Email: susanne.hamelberg[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185 2947
Fax: +49 30 3185 2690
Patrick Stärke (he/him) has been the Head of Administration at Berlin Career College/ Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung und Transfer since November 2023 and has worked in international university- and academic management since 2008. In addition to planning, coordinating and managing various international programs, formats and service structures (doctoral-, study-, exchange- and scholarship programs, summer universities, virtual exchange, student services, funding advice), he is experienced in the development and management of working areas and teams. He has been performing this portfolio of tasks in central administrative positions, presidential administration and at faculty level. His professional career has taken him to Humboldt University Berlin, Goethe University Frankfurt, Darmstadt University of Technology as well as universities of applied sciences.
Patrick Stärke studied North American Studies, Human Geography and Psychology in Bonn, Amsterdam and San Francisco from 2002 to 2008 and completed a part-time MBA in Educational Leadership in Tampere, Finland, in 2022.
Mail: ziw-vl[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185 2077
Ella Pienkoß studied Art and Performance Studies with a focus on musicology and theatre studies, obtaining her master’s degree at the University of Amsterdam in May 2023. Next to her studies she volunteered in the promotion-team of Jonge Harten Theaterfestival Gronigen and completed an internship at the press/communications department of Hebbel am Ufer Theater Berlin. After finishing her studies she assisted in the marketing/promotion department at Berliner Festspiele. Since October 2023 she is a trainee at Berlin Career College.
E-Mail: ziw-vol2[at]
Kathrin Rusch has been working as a press officer at the Berlin Career College since January 2014; since summer 2018 she has also been a research assistant at KLANGZEITORT. A joint Institute for New Music of the UdK Berlin and HfM Hanns Eisler Berlin.
Kathrin Rusch completed her master's degree in musicology, cultural management and Romance studies (Italian) at the Hochschule für Musik "Franz Liszt" Weimar, the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, the University of Leeds and the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Already during her studies she focused on cultural marketing and communication and worked as an intern in these fields at the State Opera Hanover, the Festival Theaterformen, the backup_festival, among others. neue medien im film at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, the German National Theater Weimar and the German Institute Florence. She completed her studies with a master's thesis on "The Bauhaus and Music". She then worked in the communication and press and public relations departments at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival (2007-2008), the Berliner Festspiele (2008 and 2012-2013), the Netzwerk Neue Musik e.V. - a project funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation (2009-2011) and Radialsystem V (2011-2012). She also worked for several years as a freelancer in the field of communication and press relations for the soloist ensemble Kaleidoskop (2013-2016).
Email: kathrin.rusch[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185 2835
Fax: +49 30 3185 2690
Research Fields
Digital Business Innovation
Internet Enabled Innovation
Digital Marketing / Social Media
Social Collaboration / Enterprise 2.0
Crowdsourcing / Open Innovation
since 2012 Founder and Research Director of the Entrepreneurship Research Lab at Alexander von
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
since 2012 Scientific director at iDeers Consulting GmbH, Berlin (Joint Venture of IEB and Hirschen Group)
since 2011 Executive director at Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (Research
since 1999 Founder and director of the Institute of Electronic Business e.V. (Research Institution)
1990 - 1996 Managing director at Lufthansa Information Technology and Software GmbH (IT Development)
1986 - 1990 Chief marketing officer, later managing director at ACTIS GmbH Berlin, now: ATOS Origin (IT)
1984 - 1986 Director for software development and dealer support at Bertelsmann AG (Software
Academic Career
since 2007 Executive director at Berlin Career College at the Central Institute for Postgraduate Studies and
further education at the University of Arts, Berlin
since 2002 Professor at the University of Arts, Berlin
(2002-2006 promoted by Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft)
Lecturer at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
1999 - 2002 Professor for international Marketing and Telematics, TFH Wildau (University)
1996 - 2000 Professor for business management, FH Eberswalde (University)
2001 Doktor-Ingenieur, Information and Communication Technology and Architecture at Technische
Universität Berlin (Ph. D)
1991 Doktor oeconomiae, Business Informatics / Softwaremarketing at Hochschule für Ökonomie
(Ph. D)
1978 - 1983 Diplom Informatiker at Technische Universität Berlin
Teaching Experience
Master: "Leadership in digital communication", Univeristy of Arts, Berlin
Leader of the research project "DigiMediaL", University of Arts, Berlin
Master: "Information and Management Technology", University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Master: Business Engineering, univerity of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Service and Membership
Supervisory Board TELES AG, Berlin, since 2013
Supervisory Board StoneOne AG, Berlin
Supervisory Board RBB Media GmbH, Berlin
Supervisory Board Bluechip Computer AG, Berlin
Chairman of the Board jovoto GmbH, Berlin
Member of the Jury, Digital Business Innovation Award, 2015
Chairman of the Council of Internet Sages (scientific advisory board of the IEB), Berlin, since 2013
Scientific Advisory Council "Industrie 4.0" (department computer sciences), acatech, since 2012
Chairman of the Jury, Hugo Junkers Innovationspreis 2012
Member of the Jury, eIDEE - Wettbewerb für den digitalen Handschlag since 2012
Member of the Jury, prix ars electronica, category "Digital communities" 2012
Member of the Jury, Google Mobile Agency Award 2012
Advisor of the project, Gründer-Garage 2012
Member of the Jury, Innovationspreis Berlin-Brandenburg since 2010
Jury, BITKOM "Wettbewerb Mittelstand" E-Business 2007
Euroforum "Expertenkreis IT" since 2006
Jury, Computerwoche "Anwender des Jahres" 2006-2009
Reviewer for the digital sparks contest 2006
Chairman of the Know Tech Program Committee (BITKOM) 2005-2006
Main juror, Online Star, awarded by the German Home Office 2004+2005
Member of the network, "ICT-technology", acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften
International Corporate Media Award GOLD, category 5: Corporate Books, developed by IEB for
Klingenburg, Peter, Nebendahl, Jens (ed.): "Webolution - (Über-)Leben inder digitalen Welt",
X-Award 2010, in the context of Xinnovations, for initiating the foundation of a competence network
"Semantic technologies for knowledge workers" together with BerliNews, FU berlin, HU Berlin, innokomm, DFKI, FH Potsdam, 2010
Designprice of the conference Mensch & Computer for "Magical Mirrors - an interactive mediainstallation", Berlin, 2006
Mail: schildhauer[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185-2085
Office hours: Mo 14-16 Uhr
Publikations (PDF)
Interview Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIGG)
Barbara Schmarsow manages workshops of the Berlin Summer University of the Arts, German courses for international students and a certificate course since March 2022. She studied social work, religious studies and ethnology. After working in these professional fields, she supported the members of parliament and their staff in the German Bundestag for 16 years by organising events before she joined the Berlin University of the Arts.
Melanie Waldheim has been coordinating project development at the Berlin Career College/Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung und Transfer (ZIWT) since September 2015 and is responsible for the organisation and conception of the Artist Training (formerly Refugee Class) for exile artists since 2016. She is also the deputy part-time women's representative and a member of the institute council at the ZIW and is deputy chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission.
Before that she was editor at the Landesverband Berliner Galerien (lvbg) for various publications such as catalogue brochures, the art calendar Berliner Galerien and its online portal. She also directed the project Comic Connection for refugee and Berlin artists for the international literature festival berlin (ilb) and moderated events in international children's and youth literature. She also organised the funding for the ilb. Her professional basis is a dissertation in the field of German Studies / Art History on art descriptions in exhibition spaces around 1800 at the FU Berlin and the postgraduate course in Cultural Management.
Programme Leadership in Digital Innovation
Starting in the winter semester 2016/17, Prof. Karin Bjerregaard Schlüter initially headed the Leadership in Digital Communication (LDK) course on an interim basis. Following the handover to Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike, she is now responsible for the further strategic development of the programme and the establishment of digital teaching. Prof. Karin Bjerregaard Schlüter previously worked for various media companies. The cultural studies scholar started out as a radio journalist in Berlin in the early 1990s and since 2001 has worked exclusively in the online sector as a specialist for digital communication. Initially in the scientific and creative environment at the Berlin University of the Arts, where she was involved in the conception and development of the LDK master's programme, and since 2007 for the Bayerischer Rundfunk in Munich.
+49 30 3185-2743
Since the summer semester 2019, Prof. Dr. Sascha Friesike has been head of the Master's programme Leadership in Digital Innovation. Sascha Friesike is Professor for Design of Digital Innovations at the Berlin University of the Arts and Director of the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. He is also an associated researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. Friesike is an industrial engineer and holds a doctorate in innovation management from the University of St.Gallen. He spent one year of his doctorate at Stanford in the USA. He then helped to establish the Humboldt Institute in Berlin, where he was head of research until 2016. He was Professor of Business Administration at the University of Würzburg from 2014 to 2016 and Assistant Professor of Digital Innovation at VU University in Amsterdam from 2017 to 2019. His research focuses on the role of the digital when something new is created. For example, he examines the role of digitization in academic research or looks at how creative professionals remix existing concepts to create something new.
Sarah Giersch has been programme manager in the Master's programme Leadership in Digital Innovation since the end of November 2019. She initially studied musicology with a major in piano at the Detmold University of Music, but then changed her orientation and graduated in tourism management with a focus on business administration at the beginning of 2018. She worked in the administration of a musical educational institution during her studies and at a Berlin tour operator after graduation. In the Leadership in Digital Innovation degree programme, she is responsible for programme management and marketing tasks.
Email: s.giersch[at]
Philipp Heldt is responsible for the conceptual and content development of the Master's programme Leadership in Digital Innovation since April 2022. He already devoted himself to interdisciplinary research in the field of the digital during his Philosophy and German studies at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and examined, among other things, the effects of digital copying practices on our understanding of aesthetics and morality. After graduating, he gained practical experience in the creative industries. He has worked, inter alia, as a content marketing manager at a web and software agency and as a communications consultant at a PR agency with a focus on the digital economy. In addition to designing the learning journey of the Master's programme LDI, he ensures the visibility of the multimedia course content on all online channels, connecting students and lecturers.
Email: p.heldt[at]
Programme Sound Studies
As part of his multifaceted artistic practice, Georg Klein explores sound as a medium of art. In his installations and interventions—especially in public spaces—he condenses acoustic and visual, situational and political aspects into a "space of tension" in which visitors can often interact or participate. With his site-specific installations, concertante pieces and radio play-like soundwalks, he challenges the perception of his audience, leading them onto uncertain terrain, subverting boundaries and questioning identities. Georg Klein has been awarded with numerous national and international prizes (including the first German Sound Art Prize in 2002), scholarships and residencies. He also worked for several years as musical director at the Berliner Ensemble and in multiple collaborations with Deutschlandfunk Kultur.
In addition to his artistic work, Georg Klein is a producer, curator and artistic director (bgnm – Berliner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik, KlangQuadrat GbR, MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Errant Sound – Projektraum für Klangkunst, DYSTOPIE Klangkunstfestival Berlin). Since 1998, he has taught as a lecturer at various universities in Austria and abroad and has published numerous lectures, essays and interviews on sound art (Organised Sound, KUNSTFORUM International, MusikTexte, positionen, Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, etc.).
Since September 2022, he has been the head of the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master's programme at UdK Berlin Career College.
+49 30 3185 - 2511
Lottie Sebes is a Berlin-based sound artist and artistic researcher from Australia. Tracing the way social, cultural and gendered structures are perpetually entangled in our technologies, Sebes brings machine-agencies the surface through installation and sonic performance.
Lottie Sebes has a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts and First Class Honours in Visual Arts. In 2016 she was awarded the Sydney University Medal for Visual Arts and later, was awarded the Eleanor Sophia Wood Postgraduate Research Scholarship. Lottie is also a proud UdK Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master graduate. She has exhibited and performed internationally, including at Elsewhere Living Museum (USA), Sonoscopia (PT), iMAL Art Center for digital cultures & technology (BE), Perth Institute of Contemporary Art (AU), Antre Peaux (FR) and Experimance Festival (DE).
+49 30 3185 2127
Cultural Journalism
Dana Neubert has been programme coordinator for the Master's programme in Cultural Journalism since the winter semester 2020/2021. Prior to this, she was the programme coordinator for the Master's programme Leadership in Digital Innovation, for which she continues to work.
She completed her studies in social pedagogy in 2002. During her studies and afterwards as a freelancer, she worked at the International Alumni Programme of the Technische Universität Berlin and supervised, among other things, externally funded projects, was involved in the conception, organization and implementation of continuing education events for foreign students and graduates, and worked for the alumni magazine TU International.
In 2004, she moved to the University of the Arts Berlin and worked there until the end of the diploma course in Electronic Business, first as an administrative assistant and later as a coordinator. Since 2005, she has also been in charge of the master's programme Leadership in Digital Communication and took over the coordination of the programme in 2008.
She is deputy part-time women's representative at the ZIW.
+49 30 3185-2950
+49 30 3185-2690
Programme Music Therapy
Dr. Susanne Bauer (*18.11.1957) is professor of music therapy at the Berlin Career College of the University of the Arts in Berlin. She is psychologist, certified music therapist and family therapist. Her principle research areas are perception and non verbal expression of emotions in schizophrenia, vocal expression and meaning of voice expression in the therapeutic context and the meaning of music for people in extreme life situations. Dr. Bauer lived in Santiago de Chile for almost twenty years where she cofounded, designed and directed the postgraduate music therapy programme at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile in Santiago. Since 2008, she is the director of the master programme of Music Therapy at the University of the Arts in Berlin. With her students she focuses on the meaning of music and the importance of music biographic elements within the therapeutic relationship, recognizing the relevance of cultural, spiritual and gender aspects.
In addition to her scientific and training activities, Dr. Bauer is involved in the treatment of adults in the psychiatric day hospital of the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Königin Elisabeth Herzberge (KEH) in Berlin, where she is developing a programme for short term music therapy which includes a receptive music modul with music biographical information.
Dr. Bauer is a visiting lecturer at the University of Barcelona. She is a member of the Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft (DMtG), the Asociación Chilena de Musicoterapia (AChiM) and the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR).
Bauer, S. (2014). Musiktherapie in Psychotherapie und Psychiatrie. In: Altenmüller, E. & Willich, S. (Hg.) Klang, Körper und Gesundheit, Augsburg: Wißner, 27-40
Bauer, S. (2013). Über die Bedeutung und den Einfluss von Musik auf Menschen in extremen Lebenssituationen am Beispiel der Sekte "Colonia Dignidad" in Chile. In: Grätzel, S. & Schlimme, J. E. (Hg.) Jahrbuch für Psychotherapie, Philosophie und Kultur, psycho-logik 8. Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber,198-221
Bauer, S. (2013). Momente des Nicht Wissens. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, Band 34, 2. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 185-187
Bauer, S. (2012). Die Wahrnehmung des Stimmklangs im psychotherapeutischen Kontext. In:
Engert-Timmermann,G., Wolf, H.-G. (Hg.) Die Stimme in der Musiktherapie, Zeitpunkt Musik, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 75-99
Bauer, S. (2012). Psychologische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für religiös traumatisierte Menschen am Beispiel der Sekte Colonia Dignidad. In: Utsch, M. (Hg.). Pathologische Religiösität. Genese, Beispiele, Behandlungsansätze. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 67-105
Bauer, S. (2011). Musicoterapia. Creación y Desarrollo del Postítulo en Musicoterapia en la Universidad de Chile 1999-2009. Santiago: Escuela de Postgrado, Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Chile.
Bauer, S., Tomicic A., Martínez, C., Reinoso, A., Schäfer, H., Peukert, A., Frangkouli, A. (2010). Die Bedeutung von Stimme und Stimmklang im psychotherapeutischen Prozess aus der Sicht der Patienten und Patientinnen. Psychoanalyse und Körper, Nr. 17, 9.Jg. Heft II, 27-50
Tomicic, A., Martínez, C., Altimir, C., Bauer, S., Reinoso, A. (2009). Coordinación vocal como una dimensión de la regulación mutua en psicoterapia. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica,18, 31-41
Tomicic, A., Bauer, S., Martinez, C., Reinoso, A., & Guzmán, M. (2009). La Voz como una Herramienta Psicoterapéutica: La Perspectiva de los Terapeutas. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica 19, 197-207
Bauer, S. (2008): Jenseits des Ortes des Geschehens oder: Wiederbelebung deutscher Geschichte in einer musiktherapeutischen Behandlungssituation in Santiago de Chile. Jahrbuch Musiktherapie Band 4, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 11-31
+49 30 3185-2552
+49 30 3185-2680
Office Hours:
Di 12-13 Uhr
1958 born in Hesse. Studied flute and private music at the former HdK Berlin. Training as a music therapist with Karin Schumacher and others (1978 to 1981). Worked as a music therapist in psychiatry and gerontological psychiatry. Studied sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and completed a doctorate (with Ralf Bohnsack) on biographical questions: "Musical experiences in the life course of old people: A metaphor of social self-location". Lecturer for the music therapy programme at the UdK Berlin since its beginning (1984) for the subject Geriatrics. Since 2016 guest professor in the master's programme in music therapy at the Central Institute for Contiuing Education and Transfer, UdK Berlin. Since 2009 teaching position in the master's programme Music Therapy for Disability and Dementia at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg Schweinfurt. Research and interdisciplinary networking (art therapy, dance therapy, poetry therapy, drama therapy, eurythmy therapy and geriatric care) in the field of care for people with dementia.
E-Mail: d.muthesius[at]
Phone: +49 30 3185-2551
Berlin Summer University of the Arts
Stephanie Schwarz is a theatre and music scholar and worked as a dramaturge and production manager for various music theatre projects in Berlin and Frankfurt/Main. She was also a research assistant at the Institute for Theatre Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin before joining the Institute for New Music at the University of the Arts and Hanns Eisler School of Music as a research assistant in 2010. Since 2012, she has been project coordinator of the Berlin Summer University of the Arts and the International Summer School of Creative Entrepreneurship at the Berlin Career College.
She is also a part-time Women's and Equal Opportunities Officer at the ZIWT.
+49 30 3185 2059
+49 30 3185 2690
Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)
Elias Belgacem LL.M., Maître en droit, has been working as a research assistant in the ECDF professorship (Einstein Center Digital Future) for "Digital Self-Determination" with Prof. Dr Maximilian von Grafenstein at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) since March 2021, where he works on the project "Freemove".
After a double degree in law at the CY Cergy-Paris University (formerly University of Cergy-Pontoise) in France and at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, he studied international technology law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In addition to his studies, he worked as a data protection lawyer in a major Düsseldorf law firm.
His current main research interest lies in making movement data available for sustainable urban mobility and in particular in the implementation of data privacy by design through data minimisation or functional anonymisation. In this context, his focus is on the possibilities of certifying anonymisation methods. He also deals with the correlation between data protection law, innovation and competitive advantage.
Elias Belgacem is also the founder and chair of the Euro-Mediterranean Legal Center (EMLC), vice-chair of the Centre for Comparative German-Moroccan Law (CDMA) based in Rabat, Morocco, and a member of the European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP) and the Robotics and AI Law Society (RAILS).
Prof. Dr. Max von Grafenstein, LL.M., is a legal scholar, lawyer and serial entrepreneur. In 2018 he was appointed professor for Digital Self-Determination at the University of the Arts Berlin (UdK) within the framework of the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). Since 2016, he has built up and managed the research program Governance of Data-Driven Innovation at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), which he co-directs to this day. His main research interest is the governance of data-driven innovation with a special focus on innovative forms of regulation, such as co-regulation through codes of conduct and certificates, and the concept of (data) protection by design.
Max worked in various international and medium-sized law firms as well as in the legal departments of media companies. In 2012, in response to the economic and technological changes the internet is causing in the traditional media sector, he founded his first start-up, a mobile travel guide with localized documentaries based on augmented reality technology (Mauerschau App). Since 2013, Max has also built and run the HIIG Startup Law Clinic, where he advised more than 100 startup founders on legal issues they faced during their innovation processes. After completing his doctoral thesis on the regulation of innovation, he created the academic spin-off Law & Innovation, which serves as a testbed for developed research concepts in practice.
Max von Grafenstein studied history and law as well as was trained as a European film producer at the Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris. He also obtained a master's degree in international intellectual property and internet technology law at the Eulisp Institute for Legal Informatics. Amongst other positions, Max is a member of the ISO/IEC Working Group on privacy and identity management (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 5) and Vicepresident of the Academic Advisory Board of the European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP).
Email: max.grafenstein[at]
Zsófia Puszt has been working as a student assistant at the ECDF professorship (Einstein Center Digital Future) for “Digital Self-Determination” of Prof. Dr. Maximilian von Grafenstein at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) since December 2020. Here she is involved in the accompanying research for the research initiative “Energiewendebauen”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
After she graduated in photography in Hungary and she started working for her masters degree in the art programme “Art in Context” at the Berlin University of Arts (UdK), where she focuses on art education and mediation. Her main interest lies in critical media education for various social groups, especially children and teenagers. For her master's thesis she currently works with teenagers.
In addition to her work for the ECDF, she works for the student magazine “eigenart” (UdK) as a picture editor and social media manager.
Valentin Rupp has been working as a research assistant at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) since February 2021. As part of the ECDF professorship for „Digital Self-Determination“, he works with Prof. Dr. Maximilian von Grafenstein on the regulatory aspects of data driven innovation. His focus lies on the research initiative "Energiewendebauen" funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in the accompanying research (Module 4: Digitization), where he deals in particular with data governance structures in the building sector.
During his law studies at the University of Leipzig he worked as a student assistant at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), where he dealt with ways of reducing land consumption for settlement and transport purposes as part of the SURFACE project funded by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).
In summer 2020, he graduated from the University of Leipzig with a focus on media law. Besides his work at the ECDF, he is especially interested in the impact of fundamental rights on the regulation of mediated communication online.
Patrick Smieskol has been working as a student assistant within the ECDF professorship (Einstein Center Digital Future) for “Digital Self-Determination” with Prof. Dr. Maximilian von Grafenstein at the Berlin University of Arts (UdK) since December 2020. He supports the research initiative “Energiewendebauen” in the project “WenDe”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Apart from this work, he is currently writing on his master's thesis at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where his thematic focus is the impact of digital technologies on political economies and societies.