Deutsch für internationale UdK-Studierende Kurs Deutsch C1

Registration form

Deutsch für internationale UdK-Studierende Kurs Deutsch C1
17.10.2023 – 16.02.2024
Deadline: 07.09.2023
Name *
First name *
Date of birth *
Street */ No *
Postal code */ Location *
Country *
Phone *
Mobile phone
Email address *
Please note that we are currently experiencing technical difficulties with sending e-mails to Microsoft domains such as, or resulting from Microsofts radical and unusal anti-spam technology. For reliable communication with the Berlin University of the Arts, it is recommended to use another e-mail provider.
Current occupation
 Different billing address
Name, first nname
Street / No
Postal code / Location
Hereby I register to attend „Deutsch für internationale UdK-Studierende Kurs Deutsch C1”. *

Payment: 200 Euro
I have read this offer's terms and conditions. *
terms and conditions
Your comments (e.g. concerning module selection, payment plan etc.)
How did you learn about our continuing education programme?
I want to receive future information on the Berlin Career College's continuing education programme by email.

I want to receive the Berlin Career College's newsletter.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Notes on withdrawal
The participant can declare his/her withdrawal from the registration. The cancellation regulations stated in the terms and conditions apply. If the respective announcement medium (brochure, flyer, etc.) for an event does not state otherwise, the following applies: If the cancellation is received by the UdK Berlin Career College at least four weeks before the start of the course, an administrative fee of € 25,00 will be charged. If the cancellation is received later, the full participation fee is due. The conclusion of a seminar cancellation insurance is recommended.