Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS Online Workshop - Media Law

Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS (UdK Berlin) presents:
THUR 09/11 13-16 pm How to protect your rights. Media Law (UdK Berlin) – Martin Thiele

In the Workshop „How to protect your rights - Media Law“ you will learn about the basics of copyright- and media law in general. Furthermore, Martin Thiele will give you an overview on selected legal problems in the fields of film and music based on current examples from court cases and will discuss topics such as:
- How do I gain protection for my creative work?
- What kind of creative works are protected under German copyright law?
- What rights do I have regarding my creative work?
- How may others make use of my creative work?
- What claims can I enforce when my creative work is used without my consent?
- What are collecting societies and what can they do for me?
- What should be considered when I create joint works with others?
- What should be considered when I create works that are based on the works of other artists?

Martin Thiele is an attorney-at-law and a board-certified copyright- and media lawyer (Fachanwalt für Urheber- und Medienrecht) at BERNDORFF RECHTSANWÄLTE in Berlin-Kreuzberg, a law firm with a focus on music law. He studied law at Freie Universität Berlin and joined BERNDORFF RECHTSANWÄLTE in 2010 after his legal traineeship (Referendariat) in Berlin and New York City. Since the beginning of his career as a lawyer he focused on copyright- and media law in different branches of the creative industry (e.g., music, film, theatre, fashion) gaining skills and experience in all kinds of legal aspects of the creative business.

The DAAD project Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS is since 2020 a qualification program at the UdK Berlin Career College for artists in exile. Teaching goals of the advanced training program were networking in the local cultural and creative industries, strategic positioning in the respective artistic orientation, and establishment on the Berlin job market. For the prolongation from August to December 2022 and April to December 2023 are four Coaching Programs plus one networking event as well as an online workshop series for artists in exile planned and the event series Artist Training Lab about diversity oriented Transformation processes.

More information:
The project Artist Training DIGITAL BASICS is offered by the UdK Berlin Career College and is funded by the DAAD and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The online workshop series is in cooperation with INTRO of the Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg.

Chris Kondek


09.11.2023 – 09.11.2023
3 Stunden Stunden

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